General Rules
1. Don't Spam/abuse any other member via e-mail or Private Messages.
2. Your opinions are allowed ( except for non-tolerated behavior )
3. Be an active poster, not just a lecher
4. Post in the correct forums
5. Help out others, especially new members
6. Respect decisions of the staff, as they are usually final
7. If you have a problem with another member of this community, use the Personal Message ( PM ) button to tell a staff member (Administrators or Super Moderators) about the situation and we will try to solve it
8. No advertising allowed unless with staff permission
9. Each member may have only one account more then 1 account will be banned forever.
Signature Rules
1. User use signature as they want.
2. if staff finds some abusing signature or something like that,than give warning and ban after it if member do not change.
3. Advertising any site in the signature is strongly prohibited ( will resolve in the signature deletion and a warning! )
4. Signature should not contain any other site name on them (example -
5. Image placed in the signature cannot be bigger than 300x600 pixels ( height x width )
Posting Rules
1. Information is crucial so always add it to Your post ( screen shots, if available, as well )
2. Spamming is not allowed in any conditions
3. Always add a VALID link and a fix ( if one exists )
4. Reply Something Sensible (We Don't Want Any Replies Like "dgjsfgkdj" or "hi" Thank You or thanks Looks Much Better)
5. Posting language is only English.
6. No Porn at all.
Warning System
1. A maximum of 3 warnings can be given to a member of this forum.
2. These can be earned by breaking any of the above rules.
3. After the 3rd warning given, Your account will be banned
4. If u Get Banned, It depends of the reason, we let u back after some time so in other words we decide if u can come back.
Ways to get a WARNING or a BAN
1. Respect the staff never abuse or try to abuse them
2. Re posts( one mistake can happen, if it happens often you will receive an official warning )
3. Double-posts
4. Posting porn content out side of proper area (if found posted warning or ban will be given)(also by PM)
5. Excessive swearing (if You get caught, a warning will be given)
6. Advertising other forums
7. Advertising warez-related forums
8. PM-Spam